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Ricardo Aleixo

"A book, therefore, of high scientific value, a reliable source of consult from which to obtain secure information, but also much more than this" (Danilo Prefumo, il Fronimo, n. 179, July 2017).

"A book like the one just published by Ricardo Aleixo is a must for anyone who wants to go in depth into any of the aspects, authors or sources of all this eighteenth-century period" (Ángel Medina, El otro a ratos, 2017).

Web Articles

  • "El tarantismo y la guitarra en España en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII". Click HERE to consult the text.



  • "El guitarrón" (2014). Click HERE to consult the text.



  • "En torno a la figura del Padre Basilio: 'The Enigmatic Miguel García, or, Padre Basilio. Part II…' de Richard Savino" (2014). Click HERE to consult the text.

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